Mateusz Sadowski, Reflex Wander, Galeria Stereo

Reflex Wander / Galeria Stereo

Footnotes on Art

Magazyn Szum

Volume of Effort

Polonez, Poznań

Expanding AnimationFocus on Poland

Holland Animation Film Festival

Mateusz Sadowski - The Resonance

Online Gallery

The Drawing Center, New York

Mateusz Sadowski

Composition With Missing Words / :Skala

Art Viewer

Ann Arbor 54. Film Festival Tour

Rice University (Houston, TX) 10.14.2016, 10.15.2016

Mt. Holyoke College (South Hadley, MA) 10.27.2016

Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, RI) 12.4.2016

BealArt (London, Ontario, Canada) 1.11.2017

Grosse Pointe Public Library (Grosse Pointe, MI) 1.18.2017

Detroit Film Theater (Detroit, MI) 1.21.2017

Nickelodeon Theatre (Columbia, SC) 1.24.2017

Mini Microcinema (Cincinatti, OH) 1.26.2017

Cranbrook Academy of Art (Cranbrook, MI) 1.28.2017

Ann Arbor District Library (Ann Arbor, MI) 2.2.2017

Speed Art Museum (Louisville, KY) 2.2.2017 - 2.5.2017

Grand Illusion Cinema (Seattle, WA) 2.11.2017

Northern Michigan University (Marquette, MI) 2.21.2017

Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) 2.23.2017

Texas Theatre (Dallas, TX) 2.23.2017

Indie Memphis Film Festival (Memphis, TN) 3.8.2017


Granpalazzo 2015 / Galeria Stereo


/Documentation/               \Bio\             @mateuszsadowski